Contributing ############ Running the website locally *************************** To run locally you'll need a venv:: python -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate You'll need to install some dependencies:: pip install requirements.txt You'll also need a local database (no need to install postgresql, we're using sqlite3 in development):: ./ migrate Now that we have a database, let's load some examle data in it:: ./ loaddata initial While we're at it, let's create an admin account for you:: ./ createsuperuser You're ready to run the website:: ./ runserver That should work but you don't have a correction bot yet. To start a correction bot you'll need to install a redis server:: sudo apt install redis And to secure the execution of the exercises we use firejail, install it too:: sudo apt install firejail (or whatever installation thing you use on your distrib). With redis running, you now can run a correction bot:: python Now you can login to ``/admin``, from here you can change everything about your installation: manage users, create pages, create exercises, teams, review answers, and so on. A ``/exercises`` page, and a ``/help`` page has been created automatically for you, you may want to start by adding some exercises to the ``exercises`` page. Alternatively, one can use the ``hkis`` app alone, in order to personalize registration, urls, and so on, for this you can install hkis as a django app in your own project:: pip install django-hkis A simple example project can be seen at: => Updating the initial fixture **************************** To save the fixtures files, use:: ./ dumpdata --indent 4 hkis.userinfo hkis.tag hkis.membership auth.user -o hkis/fixtures/initial.json ./ dumpdata --indent 4 hkis.exercise hkis.answer -o hkis/fixtures/exercises.json Translating *********** Templates are translated using django `makemessages` and `compilemessages` commands:: ./ makemessages --locale fr ./ makemessages --locale fr --domain djangojs Edit the po files and run:: ./ compilemessages --ignore '.tox' --ignore '.venv' Exercises (title and wording) are translated via the admin (or the API), we use ``django-modeltranslation``.